Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Microsoft Email Adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS)

Oracle ICS provided Microsoft Email adapter that allows us to create an integration with a Microsoft Email application.

Microsoft Email Adapter in an Oracle Integration Cloud Service enables us to retrieve messages in Office 365 and Outlook.com. The Microsoft Email Adapter enables us to manage messages, manage folders, create folders, read messages from a folder, sent email etc.

Important Adapters

Pre-requisite for creating a connection
  • Click on Add an app button
  • Enter the Application Name and click Create button
  • Note the Application Id and save it somewhere
  • Click Generate New Password to generate a secret key
  • Note the Password that got generated and save it somewhere. You will not be able to see the password again after clicking on the Ok button
  • Click on the Add Platform button
  • Choose Web
  • Enter https://ICSURL:ICSPORT/icsapis/agent/oauth/callback in the Enter a URL field. For example https://icstest-324567.integration.us2.oraclecloud.com//icsapis/agent/oauth/callback
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
Now we have completed the pre-requisite and got the application id and secret key that is required to create a connection.

Create Microsoft Email Adapter Connection
  • Login into the ICS
  • Click on the Connections tile
  • Click on Create button from upper right
  • Search Microsoft Email  and select adapter
  • Enter Name and click Create button
  • Click on Configure Security button
  • Enter below information and click on Provide Consent button
    • Security Policy: Select Microsoft Mail Authorization Code Credentials 
    • Client Id: This would be the Application id that got created during application creation
    • Client Secret: This would be the password that got created after clicking the Generate New Password in above section
    • Scope: https://outlook.office.com/Mail.ReadWrite offline_access
The scope might be different as per the need but offline_access is required after space

Provide Consent button will allow ICS to interact with the MS account which was used to create application in https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/ if everything is correct
  • After clicking the Provide Consent it will ask the ICS credentials. Enter the credentials and click Ok button. These would be the same credentials that we use to login into the ICS

  • After that provide the MS account credentials. We will get the below page that will ask the permission to interact with the account. Click Yes
  • Once it is done, will get the Access Allowed! page
  • Go back to the Connection page and click on Test button
  • The connection will reach to the 100%. Click Save and close button

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