Senin, 10 Juli 2017

FTP adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

FTP adapter in Oracle ICS enables the integration of File Transfer Protocol(FTP) and Secure Shell File(SSH) Transfer Protocol. Using FTP adapter available in ICS, we can read and write files from ICS integration on remote FTP server.

Capabilities of FTP adapter

  • Read and write files in either binary or ASCII format to any FTP server that is accessible on open internet. FTP adapter is not capable to connect to FTP & sFTP that resides in organization premises.
  • Streaming support for transferring large files.
  • Adapter allows us to create a schema file format to use for the files to transfer. The schema can be created (sampled) from either a comma-separated value (CSV) file or from an existing schema file. Supported delimiters in the file are single spaces, commas, semicolons, or tabs.
  • Enables us to encrypt a file that is being uploaded to remote FTP / sFTP servers using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) cryptography.
  • Enables us to decrypt a file that is being read or downloaded from a remote FTP / sFTP server using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) cryptography.
Let's see how to create a FTP connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service.
  • Login into the Oracle ICS
  • Select Connection tile from home page and select Create button from upper right side corner
  • Search FTP and Select FTP adapter
  • Enter below information and click Create button
    • Enter Name
    • Identifier would be automatically picked up based on name entered however we can edit it.
    • Select Role as Trigger and Invoke depending on the requirement.
    • Enter Description
  • Select Configure Connectivity button and enter below information and click OK button
    • Enter FTP Server Host Address
    • Enter FTP Server Port
    • Select Yes from SFTP Connection drop down
  • Select Configure Security button and enter below information and Click OK button
    • Select FTP Server Access Policy from Security Policy drop down
    • Enter User Name
    • Enter Password & Confirm Password
  • Select Test button from upper right corner. If all the details are correct then we will see the connection is successful and progress bar will reach to 100%
  • Select Save & Close button from upper right corner
We are ready to use FTP adapter in the integration.

For more details about FTP adapter, please see oracle official documentation

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