Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

Start, Stop & Deinstall ICS agent server

In my previous blog, we have learned how to install Oracle ICS agent on Linux server. As we have seen during ICS connectivity agent installation, it runs on Weblogic server. However we should not use startWebLogic.sh nor stopWebLogic.sh to start and stop on-premises agent.

Instead ICS agent provide another script startAgent.sh and stopAgent.sh to start and stop on-premises agent respectively. These two script resides inside the folder where we have installed the Agent.

Start ICS Agent

  • Login into the host machine where we have installed ICS agent
  • Set JAVA_HOME using export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_80
  • Move to the directory where ICS agent has been installed and see the files under this
  • See startAgent.sh exist in the directory. Hit the below command to start ICS agent
               nohup ./startAgent.sh -u=test@test.com -p=TEST@123 &

Where: -u= {User Name of ICS console} and -p={Password of ICS console}
  • As we have used the nohup command to start agent. Agent will be start in background. To see the output use below command
    • tail -500f nohup.out
  • Make sure server starts with a successful message

Stop ICS Agent

  • Login into the host machine where we have installed ICS agent
  • Set JAVA_HOME using export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_80
  • Move to the directory where ICS agent has been installed and see the files under this

  • See stopAgent.sh exist in the directory. Hit the below command to start ICS agent
  • Make sure server stop with a successful message

Deinstall ICS Agent

In order to deinstall ICS agent follow the below steps:
  • Stop ICS agent as shown in the previous steps
  • Delete the directory in which on-premises agent is installed
  • Now delete it from ICS console
    • Login into the ICS console
    • Click Agent tile from ICS home page
    • Find the Agent group
    • Click the number representing the agent count. The Agents in this Agent Group dialog is displayed.
    • Find the agent to delete, and click X to delete the agent registration.

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