Jumat, 07 Juli 2017

Integration on ICS to expose REST service

This blog is very useful for those who is keen to know, how to create REST services in ICS. This is very straight forward.

After this blog you have learned to how to develop REST service in ICS.

Use Case: Develop REST service that exposes the below json and inserts the same in Oracle DB table.

"Designation":"Sr. Manager"

This Use case requires only simple 4 steps to complete:

  1. Create REST connection
  2. Create DB connection
  3. Create an Integration
  4. Activate the Integration

Let's go step by step
  1. Create REST connection: The REST connection we are gonna to create will work as a Trigger point. We have already showcased the same in one of my blog. Please check it out before moving forward.
  2. Create DB connection: DB connection will work as a Target point. We have already showcased the same in one of my blog. Please check it out before moving forward.
  3. Create an Integration: Follow below steps to create an Integration
  • Login into ICS console
  • Click on the Integration tile from ICS home page
  • Click on Create button from upper right corner
  • Select Orchestration pattern from the dialog box
  • Enter Below information and click on Create button
    • Select Application event or business object radio button
    • Enter Integration Name in What do you want to call your integration text box
    • An Identifier would be picked up automatically from Integration name however you can edit it
    • Let the Version as it is
    • Enter the description in What does this integration do box
    • Leave the package box as it is
  • Integration pane will look like
  • Drag the TEST_REST_Conn Connection on the canvas from REST connection
  • Enter below information and Click Next
    • Name of the end point
    • Relative URI(must start with /)
    • Select HTTP verb
    • Select Configure a request payload for this endpoint checkbox- This option allows us to assign payload in the next step
  • Select Json Sample Radio button: This option allows us to take input in json format. Select inline link to give sample payload
  • Enter payload and click OK
  • Click Next and Done button
  • Click Invokes from right navigation, Select Oracle Databases, drag and drop the TEST_DB_Conn below PostEmployee
  • Enter below information and Click Next
    • Enter endpoint name in What do you want to call your endpoint
    • Select Run a SQL Statement from What operation do you want to perform drop down
  • Enter below insert query in SQL query box and Click Validate SQL query to validate the entered query and Click Next button
INSERT INTO apps.employee_info(employee_id, first_name,last_name,qualificatoin,designation) values(#employee_id,#first_name,#last_name,#qualification,#designation)

  • Click Done
  • Click on Map to InsertEmployee mapper and click Edit button
  • Map the source and target field as shown in the below scree shot. Click Validate and Close button
  • Select Action icon and click on Tracking. This is mandatory step and can’t activate integration without this step. Basically this allows us to track the Instance with configured parameter. In our case we will select employeeId field.
  • Drag & Drop the employeeId from left panel to first row in Tracking Field and click Done button
  • Click Save and Close button from upper right corner
Now our integration is completed and now turn to activate the integration.

      4. Activate Integration
  • Click on Activate button
  • Select Enable tracking and Include payload check boxes button. This option is useful if we want to see payload in the logs. Click Activate button
  • As soon as, integration will be activated, ICS will show you the service end point on the upper side as shown in the below screen shot. Alternatively, you can click on the info icon near to the activate button that will show you the service end point.

This is the time to test the service and see the data in database table. We will use POSTMAN tool to test the REST service

      5. Test the REST service

  • Open postman tool
  • Enter service end point
  • We have to add Basic Auth as ICS service is automatically secured. We need to provide ICS console credentials.
  • Enter payload and hit Submit button

  • Open database and see record should be inserted into the database
That's done !

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