Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

ICS(Integration Cloud Service) On-Premises agent installation

This purpose of this blog is to show you how to install Oracle ICS On-Premises agent. The Oracle On-Premises Agent (aka, Connectivity Agent) is necessary for Oracle ICS to communicate to on-premise resources without the need for firewall configurations or VPN.

Below are the System Requirements before we start On-Premise agent installation.

  • Agent Group: Agent Group is required before we run the agent installer. When we install the on-premises agent in environment, we associate the on-premises agent with the agent group identifier. 
  • JDK: Install only Oracle JDK version 1.7 or 1.8. Other JDKs such as Open JDK are not supported.
  • Supported OS: Below OS are supported to install Oracle ICS agent
    • Linux OEL version 6 or 7
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1
  • Hardware Requirement: 8GB memory with 4 GB of heap size dedicated for the agent JVM
  • On-Premise Agent Installer: On-Premise Agent installer can be downloadedfrom Oracle ICS home page.
  • Internet Access: Either internet access or white-list the Oracle ICS public IP on the host where we'll install Oracle ICS agent.

Download ICS On-Premise Agent
  • Login into the Oracle ICS console
  • Click on the Agent tile from home page
  • Click Download and select Connectivity Agent: Installer is almost 1.7GB and may take time to install depending on your network speed.

Create an Agent Group

We must create an agent group in Oracle Integration Cloud Service before we can run the agent installer. When we install the on-premises agent in our environment, we associate the on-premises agent with the agent group identifier. Only one on-premises agent can be associated with an agent group. For a single Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance, we can create up to five agent groups. 

Follow the below steps to create Agent Group
  • Login into ICS console
  • Click on Agent tile from home page
  • Click on Create Agent Group
  • Enter Agent Group Name and Identifier. Additionally you can provide the meaningful description in the Description text box. Click on Create button

  • ICS Agent Group will be created

Install ICS On-Premise Agent
  • Login into the host machine
  • Set JAVA_HOME using export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_80
  • Set PATH using export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  • Verify the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables using echo $JAVA_HOME and echo $PATH, these path must pointed to the exact java location.
  • Copy the ICS agent on any one of the location on the host where you want to install Agent
  • Unzip the installer
  • Locate the cloud-connectivity-agent-installer.bsx agent installer file
  • Make sure you must have executable permission to install the agent
  • Run below command
./cloud-connectivity-agent-installer.bsx —h=https://ICS_host.us.oracle.com:port —u=username —p=my_password —ad=agent_group_identifier -au=agent_username -ap=agent_password

Below table depicts the parameter that can be used during installation as per the requirement

Oracle Integration Cloud Service hostname and port. For example,  https:// test.integration.us2.oraclecloud.com:443
Oracle Integration Cloud Service user name.
Oracle Integration Cloud Service password.
Agent group identifier that was generated in the Identifier field when we created the agent group 
This is a new username used to initialize the local installation of the on-premises agent. If not specified, the default username of weblogic is used.
Specify a password for the new agent username. If not specified, the default password is used. We may need to contact Oracle Support Services to obtain the default password for the default user weblogic.
Specify the agent port (for example, 9002). This enables us to specify any available port outside of the default value of 7001. If not specified, it defaults to 7001. Any free port can be used.
Hostname, or address, of the proxy server. The -ph and -pp properties are only required if your on-premises environment is set up with a proxy server mandating that all connections be routed through it.
Port number of the proxy server.
Proxy server user.
Proxy server user password.
Nonproxy hosts:-nphosts=NONPROXYHOSTS. We can specify a single host or multiple hosts separated by a |. For example:
Set the number of worker threads to a value appropriate to your environment.

Please wait, installation takes time. Once completed, check the logs at the same location from where you have ran the command.

During installation, the following tasks are performed:
  • All on-premises adapters are registered.
  • A Java database is installed.
  • The JRF domain is created.
  • The on-premises agent is deployed.

Once done you will get the successful message as shown in the below screen shot

Once installation is complete, an agent instance is created for interacting with Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

Verify that the agent instance was created by going to the Agent Groups page from ICS console and noting that the agent count was increased by one. If we click the number, details about the agent are displayed.

We are now ready to create an adapter connection in Oracle Integration Cloud Service that uses the on-premises agent.

Blog will show you how to start, stop and Deinstall Oracle ICS agent

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