Minggu, 30 Juli 2017

Send Email notification in Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Oracle ICS provides us an important activity that allows us to Trigger an Email- notification from ICS integration. This is called Notification Activity. This is very simple and straight forward to use.

For all available activities in ICS, please have a look at this blog.

Let's try to enable notification in already existing Scheduled Integration:

1) Open Action tab from right panel and Drag & Drop Notification activity on integration canvas:

Notification In ICS

2) Enter Name and optionally Description. Click  Create button

Notification In ICS

3) Notification configuration window will get open as shown in the below screen shot

Notification In ICS

4) Enter edit icon in front of From option. This allows from address to enter.

5) Enter From address in the expression input box. Or we can also drag and drop a variable from the left panel if any variable contains From address. Click Close button from the right upper corner.

Notification In ICS

As shown in the above image, we have configured ics.notifier@Oracle.com as a from address. ICS gives this from the address that can be used to send notifications.

6) Same ways we can configure To address. Enter comma separated addresses in the case to send the notification to multiple recipients.

Notification In ICS

7) Same ways we can add Email Subject

Notification In ICS

8) The body can be plain text and  HTML. Curly braces {} is being used to send any parameter value with the body.
Parameters can be created with table given under the Body input text.

Notification In ICS

9) Click + sign to create any variable. A row will be created on clicking + sign. Enter Parameter name and click the edit icon to assign any value to it.

Notification In ICS

10) Enter the email body. As shown in the below screen shot, we have used curly braces to send parameter value that is created in the previous step:

11) Let's Click on Validate and Close button from the upper right side.

This completes the notification activity in Oracle ICS.

Let's run the integration. As soon as we will run the integration an Email notification will be received to all configured recipients.

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