Selasa, 04 Juli 2017

Salesforce Adapter in Oracle ICS(Integration Cloud Service)

Integration Cloud Service provide a powerful adapter that is called Salesforce adapter being used to create connection with Salesforce CRM application.

The Salesforce adapter provides the following advantages:

  • Integrates easily with the Salesforce application’s WSDL file to produce a simplified, integration-centric WSDL.
  • Contacts the Salesforce application to fetch metadata information about business objects.
  • Provides invoke (outbound) support for using a custom WSDL that includes custom Apex classes exposed as SOAP web services.
  • Provides trigger (source) messaging support for objects through use of the Salesforce outbound messaging WSDL.
  • Provides trigger (source) callback support.
  • Provide invoke support for CRUD (create, get, update, and destroy) operations
  • Provide invoke support for Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) or Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) query operations
Below is the pre-requisite to start the SFDC connection
  • Salesforce account credentials
  • Salesforce Enterprise WSDL
Let's suppose we already have a SFDC credentails and try to get the Enterprise WSDL.

Below are the steps to generate the Enterprise WSDL:
  • Login into the SFDC
  • Click on the User name from the upper right corner

  • Enter API from search box and Select API
  • Click on Generate Enterprise WSDL
  • Click on the Generate button

  • Save WSDL

Now we have SFDC Enterprise WSDL in place. Let's create SFDC connection in ICS.

Follow the steps to create SFDC connection.
  • Login into the ICS
  • Click on the Connection
  • Click on Create button
  • Search Salesforce and Select Salesforce adapter

  • Enter Name and select Trigger/Invoke as a Role basis on your requirement and Click Create button
  • Select Configure Connectivity button. Select the enterprise WSDLthat we have saved in the above steps during getting Enterprise WSDL and click OK

  • Click Configure Security button, and enter SFDC Username and password and click OK button
  • Click on Test button and Validate and Test button from the popup
  • If everything goes fine then progress goes to 100% as shown in the below screen shot
  • Click Save and Close button

Now we are done with the SFDC connection and ready to use in our integration.

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